Level Up International College | LUIC

For Science and Technology

Vision of Çankaya University is to be a university ,
  • providing high-quality higher education and training at world standards,
  • encouraging research and development at international level and producing knowledge,
  • considering public service within its primary objectives,
  • raising individuals who devote to/ stand as a protector of the democratic, secular, social
    and legal rights attributes of the Turkish Republic, and love their country and nation in particular,
    embracing all the humanity in general,
  • being respected within every section of the society.
  • to be a University giving importance to University-Industry collaboration, Respected by the whole society.
Mission of Çankaya University is to:


  • make basic and applied research at world standards,
  • raise young people who know very well how to produce, transmit, distribute and use knowledge,
  • put into practice the principles of good management within administration,
  • preserve and improve high-quality in education and training,
  • realize student and teaching staff mobility by cooperating with the outstanding universities of the world,
  • provide education which:
    • has universal values and equipped with modern knowledge;
    • has a developed ability of research and analitical thinking;
    • has an ability to work and research on interdisciplinary issues;
    • is reformist and creative;
    • has assimilated the principles and revolutions of Atatürk;
    • is productive and successful in the work life;
    • can raise individuals who master their surroundings.
    • to transfer its knowledge to the industry and society using University-Industry collaboration and transfer of technology; To cooperate with the world’s prominent univervities in order to achieve student and instructor exchange
Common and fundamental values of Çankaya University are:


  • interdisciplinary approach,
  • academic freedom,
  • scientific approach,
  • support, care and tolerance to students,
  • public service,
  • good administration,
  • participatory management,
  • lifelong learning,
  • equal treatment of all individuals without discrimination based on gender,
    religion, language, race and nationality,
  • loyalty to the values of Turkish Republic founded by Atatürk,
  • belief in Turkish country and nation in particular, and in humanity in general,
  • love and respect to Anatolian and Turkish culture and traditions

Terms of Acceptance to Our University and Registrations
Candidates who apply to our university are placed to our faculties by the Student Selection and Placement Center (OSYM). Registrations are done every year by the Directorate of Student Affairs of Çankaya University within the dates determined by OSYM.

Medium of Instruction
Çankaya University is an English medium university except for the Faculty of Law, the Vocational School of Justice and Public Relations and Advertising Department. Students who are evaluated to be unqualified for English attend the Preparatory School of English for a year.

Summer School 
Lasting for 7 weeks, summer school is given during the summer term in addition to the fall and spring terms. The purpose of summer education is to enhance the productivity of education, give students the opportunity to benefit from educational facilities during summer months, give students another chance to make up for the lessons they have failed before, and to give successful students a chance to graduate earlier. As summer school offers paid education, students who wish to take lessons during this term are required to pay the per credit tuition fee determined for that year by the Board of Trustees. A student can take up to 3 lessons at most provided that he/she has not exceeded 12 credits. Summer school scholarship is granted to the students who are placed to our university by OSYM with full scholarship, 50% scholarship and 25% scholarship 

Undergraduate  transfers
Students may apply for transfer between  the higher education institutions (universities)  implementing equivalent curricula (education programs) and the departments in the institutions in the beginning of each academic year in accordance with the “Regulations Governing the Principles for the Process of Transfers, Double Major, Minor and Inter-institutional Credit Transfer in Associate Degree and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions” and “Çankaya University Instructions for Transfer in Associate Degree and Undergraduate Programs“. Transfers to Preparatory School, first and last semesters of associate degree programs and freshman and senior years of undergraduate programs shall not be done. For the application to transfer admission the cumulative GPA of the students must be a minimum of 60 out of 100 and they should fulfill the other requirements determined in the regulations. Transfer admissions are restricted (bounded) to the quotas determined by Faculty Boards and the orientation procedure of students are executed by the concerned boards. Furthermore, when the students with ÖSYS (Student Selection and Placement Exam) scholarship at Çankaya University are transferred to other programs within university, they retain scholarship. 


Exams and Assessment
Examinations are done as midterms, final and resit exams.  At least one midterm is given in each term. Final and resit exams are given between the dates indicated on Academic Calendar every year. A student’s end of year grade is given as letter grades, on the condition of not being lower than the equivalences in the regulation,  regarding the results of midterm and final exams along with assignments and attendance. Resit exams are taken by the students who fail the final exam of a course and count as final exam grades.

Honor and High Honor students
Of the students within regular period of study who have at least 2.00 cumulative GPA, those who taken at least three  courses in the semester concerned except for the senior year and have scored between 3.00-3.49 GPA are qualified as Honor students; and the students whose Grade Point Averages are between 3,50 – 4,00 are qualified as High Honors. The lists of these students are announced at the end of each term.

Registration Renewal
At the beginning of each semester, students have to renew their registration within the period predetermined in academic calendar by paying the required educational fees and taking the approval of their advisors. Students are responsible for all the registration renewal procedure and they are obliged to register in person.

Student Advisors
For each student, an advisor is appointed by the student’s department. The advisor monitors the student, assists the student in educational studies and offers advice for the solution of the problems about the university life.

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