

The course is designed to provide students with the opportunity of applying what they learn in

their academic courses to real-world situations. It encourages exposure to career training and

brings the knowledge and skills  students acquire in their courses further down to

earth. Students are given the chance to work in a professional setting of their choosing a

workplace supervisor, who will evaluate the intern’s performance.  faculty is committed

to making the internship a quality educational experience that involves integrating academic

learning with practical hands-on experience.


The Internship Program (IP) is a formal assignment conducted by students on an area related to
the curriculum and involving out-of-class activities and development. It is primarily a learning
activity designed to provide students with an opportunity to confirm that they are eligible for a
real-work environment at -approved and officially registered companies, organizations and
institutions. The IP requires a variety of skills and fields of knowledge to be completed which are
acquired during the three years of study at the university. It is important for students to follow
the guidelines of this booklet carefully and accurately and to check with their academic chairmen
frequently to be assured they are on the right track and to be informed about any updates and
modifications made to the Internship Program. This assessment will be made by the hosting
institution and the  department’s chairman.